The hit list

The hit list

How cute are these bags? The best part is that they are affordable. One easy way to refresh your wardrobe for spring is with a new bag. You’ve probably noticed that in the warmer months less expensive straw or raffia bags are all over the place. With that said, the black and straw tote is in my cart.

I’m a sucker for a feminine top especially those that have ruffles, lace, embroidery or puff sleeves. Here are a few favorites:

I look better in skirts and dresses than pants, so I’m thrilled as the weather gets warmer. I lean towards super feminine styles with a Little House on the Prairie vibe. These are a few that caught my eye this week:

Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you’re loving.

This week's fab five

This week's fab five

The hit list

The hit list